
Digital Tube Circuit Board Remote Controls DC Motor

This digital tube circuit features in manual control and remote control. There are two working modes in it. We will switch modes through inserting or not inserting pin to jumper. From right side to left side of this board, they are power input terminals, power output terminals, four buttons: (SET), S2(+), S3(-), S4(LEARNING BUTTON) for setting or adjusting, manual switch jumper, pin jumper.
This is board can be a reversing controller, with forward-reverse-stop capability. You can rotate the motor in positive or reversal direction with the transmitter (remote control) from any place within a reliable distance, wireless rf signal can pass through walls, floors and doors. But now only DC power is available. It is suitable for the motors of blind, rolling door, projection screen, awning, winch or other appliances and mechanicals.
Just wire DC motor to Output terminals of circuit board and supply power to circuit board.
Insert pin to jumper: Press and hold the “▲” button, motor rotate in positive rotation; release the “▲” button, motor stops. Press and hold the “▼” button, motor rotates in reverse direction; release the “▼” button, motor stops.
Do not insert pin to jumper: Press the “▲” button, motor rotate in positive rotation; press the “■” button, motor stops. Press the “▼” button, motor rotates in reverse direction; press the “■” button, motor stops.
The following video is for your reference.

