We usually mounted a wire switch to control the doorbell before. But now we can wireless remote control doorbell by using the facility. It is model: S1XM-DC12 & C-1. The facility includes three parts: receiver, transmitter and wireless wall mounted doorbell switch. The receiver is S1XM-DC12, the transmitter is C-1, the doorbell switch is DS-W.
Transmitter & Receiver
Doorbell switch
We can wireless remote control doorbell by connecting one transmitter with two wires to the doorbell switch. Then we need to mount the wireless doorbell switch to wall. After we mount the receiver to the doorbell in the house, we press the switch and the transmitter can launch RF wireless signal. The signal will be received by the receiver in the doorbell and turn on the doorbell by remote control.
Here is the way of connecting the transmitter with remote control to doorbell switch. We just need to connect two wires to the doorbell switch by soldering as following picture:
The wireless RF signal can pass through walls, floors and doors. So we can also mount the doorbell switch on other places besides walls. We can turn on/off the doorbell with transmitter by remote control within a reliable distance (100m/300ft theoretically).
Of course we usually remote control the doorbell by mounting the doorbell switch on the wall like following pictures:
Here is the circuit diagram. We can connect the doorbell to “A & B” output terminal in the receiver .Then supply power to the receiver. Because the remote control doorbell switch only has one button, so when we press and hold the button, the doorbell on; release the button, the doorbell off.
The wireless wall mounted doorbell switch is more convenient for using in our living. If you would like to know more something about the remote control doorbell switch, please you enter into our website and search the product as following:
Model: 0020414 (S1XM-DC12 & C-1); 0031167(DS-W)
0020414 (S1XM-DC12 & C-1)